Main English page of site, devoted to author's elite and exclusive expert system, intended for rendering of a wide spectrum of elite and exclusive consulting services. And at the same time this intellectual system is primitive quasi-alive creature, first prototype of intellectual computer systems, described in books written by Vasily Golovachev. What You can find out at my site. Main Russian page of the same site, devoted to elite and exclusive author's computer program - Partnership System ZORAN, which is basing upon new conception of artificial intelligence. ZORAN is expert system of new generation, intended for rendering of a wide spectrum of elite consulting services.

7. My first scientific works.

If You are interesting to know the beginning of my creative way. Something from it is represented in my site. It was placed here without any corrections with all mistakes. To my pity, I was not able to keep everything. Many things were destroyed... But it was ABSOLUTELY impossible to realize Partnership System ZORAN without these works!
     So, You can find out in my site Russian-based texts in the following scientific spheres:

  1.      In the sphere of philosophy (available from 2003 year). Beginning of its writing is 1983 year.

  2.      In the sphere of economics (available from 2003 year). Beginning of its writing is 1988 year.

  3.      In the sphere of political sciences (available from 2003 year). Beginning of its writing is 1991 year.

  4.      In the sphere of relational data bases (available from 2003 year). Beginning of its writing is 1993 year. This is part of my graduation paper.

  5.      In the sphere of intellectual systems (available from 2003 year). Beginning of its writing is 1994 year. This is part of my unfinished dissertation work.

P. S. Please, don't forget that You can use standard search forms which were placed in the main English page of my home site with ''artificial intelligence system'', ''artificial intelligence conception'', ''artificial intelligence, expert system'', ''exclusive consulting services'', ''artificial intelligence for exclusive consulting services'', ''expert system for exclusive consulting services'', ''conception of artificial reason'', ''conception of artificial personality'' inquiries to find necessary information in,,,,

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